25 November 2014


America has devolved into a fascist, dictatorial nazi police state.  Spy and surveillance cameras
have spread like a cancer all throughout our society.  Everywhere you go (supermarkets, rec centers,
libraries, schools, government buildings, street intersections etc..) this disease has manifested.
This complete privacy violation infestation has been spawned by America’s sprawling military-
industrial-intelligence-security complex.

The United States of America has the highest incarceration rate of any nation on Earth, higher
than even the dictatorial states of China and Russia.  America’s mafia run prison industrial complex
locks up more of its citizens than any other nation on Earth.  For all intents and purposes, the USA
is now a fascist, dictatorial nazi/communist police state, completely out of control, with the intent
of dominating, controlling and enslaving its citizens for the interests and profit objectives of the state.

Funding and directing it all is the International JEWISH Rothschild Banking Cartel, headquartered in the
CITY of London, UK.  This cartel owns and operates the US Federal Reserve in the USA (along with the
US military and defense establishments).  There is no “federal” government per se’.  The nation is owned
run by a shadow corporate cartel subservient not to the laws and rights of the US Constitution and
the Bill of Rights and its citizens, but to the profit motive and to the accrument and exercise of raw
corporate power worldwide.

What has been constructed around us is nothing less than an electronic prison.  The total enslavement
of human civilization by the International jewish corporate cartel is now upon us.  Instead of using technology
for the liberation and benefit of mankind, the powers that be are using the computer information
revolution to enslave and control the masses.

There are now spy and surveillance cameras everywhere in America.  Once the freest nation on Earth,
the USA is now the nation with the least amount of freedom.  They’ve turned our libraries, our supermarkets,
our schools, and our streets into into literal prisons.  All cell phone communications are now relayed
to cell towers, collected and put into a limitless NSA (National Security Agency) database in complete
violation of our right to privacy.  New Illegal “stingray” cell towers and drones are also collecting and relaying
our identity and GPS location in real time to local, state and federal agencies, making sure they know
where we are 24 hours a day.  The phone number you give when you purchase products from CVS, Safeway
and Walgreens (for example), goes into a database that builds a purchase history and psychological profile
on you just like the East German Stasi did before the fall of the Berlin Wall.  Tyranny has now come to
America, except this time its being done with high tech surveillance and sophisticated computer software.

The forced use of ID’s, phone numbers, usernames and passwords in order to “log-in” to a computer
terminal at home, at work, at our libraries and our schools are specifically designed to monitor, track, record
and illegally surveil a users internet activity in blatant violation of America’s 4th Amendment right to
personal privacy.  This is the anti-thesis of freedom, openess, creativity and democratic accountability.
This is an American fascist nazi/communist police state, a literal 4th Reich that has now come to our nation.

What to do?  Throw away your smart phones, i-pads and cell phones.  Do not give your phone number when
making supermarket discount card purchases.  Phone numbers are being used by the NSA as prime personal
identification tags, so as to build a database file on you.  Limit your use of supermarket discount cards and
give false identification when getting them.  Do not let them take a digital photograph of you, as Safeway is
now starting to do.  Supermarket discount cards are a form of blackmail.  This should tell you right off the bat that
we are dealing with a psychopathic, mentally ill, criminal, mafia, police state.

Call for the removal of all surveillance cameras in every store, business and institution you visit, as well as
for the prosecution and incarceration of those responsible for violating your privacy by surveilling and photographing
you without your permission, knowledge or consent.  Many businesses are installing TSA type security agents in
their stores as well.  Homeland Security Nazi Gestapo-like guards are infiltrating our public libraries, schools, banks,
grocery stores and shopping malls.  Call for their immediate removal as well.

At our airports, refuse to go through their biometric radiation scanners.  You may wish to refuse to be molested
and illegally searched (as if you were a criminal) in order to get through security and board a flight.  If everyone
refused to cooperate, their house of cards would fall overnight.  Call for an end to the TSA and the restitution of
electronic scanners at our airports.  Our 4th Amendment right to be free from unwarranted and illegal searches
and seizures is the LAW in this country.

Learn to “opt-out” of the tyrannical electronic surveillance control grid penopticon prison they have ensnared
everyone in.  They wish to dominate, control and enslave us financially in every way they can.  This is all
leading to what biblical scripture foretells as the dreaded “Mark of the Beast” (see Revelations 13) to be put
on one’s right hand or forehead.  This will most likely be an invisible laser tattoo barcode linked to a global
biometric identification database.  This prophecy alone, should prove to anyone that that which is veiled in
biblical scripture is the true cosmology we are embedded in as a species.

By taking their mark, in order to buy and sell, you give absolute subservience to the military-industrial-intelligence-
security complex controlled and run by a psychopathic, tyrannical, jewish rothschild nazi/communist world
government empire who serve the current “god” of this world: Lucifer.  You, in essence, will be worshiping
and submitting to the Devil.

There is NO reform for a system that has gone this far to control, enslave and desecrate the freedom, sanctity
and dignity of the human species.  The head of the snake- the International Jewish Rothschild Banking Cartel,
its political power bases in both New York City and London and its military industrial-intelligence-security complex-
needs to be completely EXTERMINATED from off the face of this planet for all time. There is no other option now.

The ONLY force capable of terminating this evil, wicked and perverted empire will be an external extraterrestrial
invading incursion from off planet coming down to bring judgement, punishment and eternal damnation (in Hell)
to these transgressors.  This Extraterrestrial Invasion has been prophesized in the Torah, Gospel and the Koran
and is on the way…


Craig Stevens
Berkeley, California


International Jewish
Rothschild Banking Cartel
(The Synagogue of Satan)

The Jewish House of Rothschild, headquartered in the CITY of London, UK,
is the richest and most powerful transnational empire on Earth. This small cabal of International Jewish
Bankers owns and controls 1/2 of the world’s accumulated wealth; roughly 500 TRILLION Dollars. Gold is their currency.
International Fascist Rothschild JEWRY is THE source of ALL evil, war, death, terrorism and environmental destruction in our world.

Anti-Christ will be JEW.

To ETERNAL HELL-FIRE they will ALL be (forcibly) cast at the Judgement- SELAH

Rothschild Video Linx:

1. Rothschild’s Gold
2. Rothschild’s Choice (10 part series) by Texe Marrs
3. Lord Rothschild: King of England-The World’s Master Banker
4. Rothschild and the US Federal Reserve
5. The Rothschild’s Exposed- 3 part series
6. Rothschild: The World’s Wealthiest Family
7. Rothschild’s World
8. The Rothschilds
9. The Jewish House of Rothschild
10. Rothschild Zionist Temple Mount Israel 666 WWIII
11. Economic Collapse- Rothschild Style
12. Criminal Rothschilds
13. International Rothschild Bankers
14. Rothschild Jews Control the World
15. The Bloody Rothschilds/David Icke
16. The Rothschilds/Michael Collins Piper

Int’l Rothschild Jewry Website Linx:

1. Real Jew News
2. Power of Prophecy
3. Jeff Rense Zionism Page
4. Who’s Who of the Global Elite
5. International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
6. American Free Press
7. Radio Islam
8. Jews Against Zionism
9. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms
10. Be Wise As Serpents
11. The Hidden History of Zionism
12. Rothschild and the Zionist Agenda
13. Rothschild Zionism
14. Anti-Christ Conspiracy for World Conquest
15. Zionist Seizure of World Power
16. The Piper Report

Books on the Rothschild Empire:

1. The Synagogue of Satan, by Andrew Hitchcock
2. The Ruling Elite: Zionist Seizure of World Power, by Diana Spingola
3. The Ruling Elite: A Study in Imperialism, Genocide and Emancipation, by Diana Spingola
4. The Ruling Elite: Death, Destruction and Domination, by Diana Spingola
5. Hidden History of Zionism, by Ralph Schoenman
6. Who’s Who of the Global Elite, by Gaylon Ross
7. The Elite Control Everything of Significance, by Gaylon Ross
8. What Will it Be? An Elite Global Union or an Islamic Caliphate?, by Gaylon Ross
9. The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s War Against the Civilian Population, by Mark Rich
10. 4th Reich of the Rich, by Des Griffin
11. Conspiracy of the 6 Pointed Star, by Texe Marrs
12. Global Conspiracy (And How to End it), by David Icke
13. Empire of the City, by EC Knuth
14. Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion:
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
15. The Turner Diaries, by William Luther Pierce
The Turner Diaries, by William Luther Pierce
16. The New Jerusalem AND GOLEM: Israel’s New Hell Bomb and the Road to Armageddon, by Michael Collins Piper
The New Jerusalem AND GOLEM: Israel’s New Hell Bomb and the Road to Armageddon, by Michael Collins Piper

***This Site Brought to you by Jonas the Prophet:
Jonas the Prophet
The Prophet’s Sites
Prophet’s Article Archive

Both fire and ice are telling the same story: Climate change is here. Now.

– Jon Queally, staff writer

‘We’ve created, in very short order, a new planet, still recognizable but fundamentally different.’ (Public domain)The world is hot.

The world is melting.

The world is burning.

This is what climate change looks like.

According to new data released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Tuesday, April 2014 tied the one in 2010 as the hottest April since records began.

Also this week, new studies and surveys of scientific findings focused on climate change show that from historic flooding in the Balkans, to ‘unprecedented‘ wildfires in southern California, melting ice sheets in Antarctica to deteriorating glaciers in Greenland—the fast-pace of global warming is pushing the planet further and further into a loop of climate extremes.

It’s what author and climate campaigner Bill McKibben describes as the planet “Eaarth” in his book of the same name when he wrote: “Our old familiar globe is suddenly melting, drying, acidifying, flooding, and burning in ways that no human has ever seen. We’ve created, in very short order, a new planet, still recognizable but fundamentally different. We may as well call it Eaarth.”

On Monday of this week, the Associated Press reported how “in the past three months, at least three different studies and reports have warned that wildfires are getting bigger, that man-made climate change is to blame, and it’s only going to get worse with more fires starting earlier in the year.”

According to AP:

Since 1984, the area burned by the West’s largest wildfires — those of more than 1,000 acres — have increased by about 87,700 acres a year, according to an April study in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. And the areas where fire has been increasing the most are areas where drought has been worsening and “that certainly points to climate being a major contributor,” study main author Philip Dennison of the University of Utah said Friday.

The top five years with the most acres burned have all happened in the last decade, according to federal records. From 2010-2013, about 6.4 million acres a year burned on average; in the 1980s it was 2.9 million acres a year.

Meanwhile, what doesn’t easily burn—namely the world’s polar ice sheets and glaciers—are melting at alarming rates due to what experts criticize as modern society’s fossil fuel gluttony.

In the New York Times on Wednesday, journalist Kenneth Chang explores the implications of recent studies that warn of massive melting of major ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland as well as the world’s mightiest mountain glaciers. Chang writes:

Centuries from now, a large swath of the West Antarctic ice sheet is likely to be gone, its hundreds of trillions of tons of ice melted, causing a four-foot rise in already swollen seas.

Scientists reported last week that the scenario may be inevitable, with new research concluding that some giant glaciers had passed the point of no return, possibly setting off a chain reaction that could doom the rest of the ice sheet.

For many, the research signaled that changes in the earth’s climate have already reached a tipping point, even if global warming halted immediately.

“We as people see it as closing doors and limiting our future choices,” said Richard Alley, a professor of geosciences at Pennsylvania State University. “Most of us personally like to keep those choices open.”

But these glaciers are just the latest signs that the thawing of earth’s icy regions is accelerating. While some glaciers are holding steady or even growing slightly, most are shrinking, and scientists believe they will continue to melt until greenhouse gas emissions are reined in.

“It’s possibly the best evidence of real global impact of warming,” said Theodore A. Scambos, lead scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Combined with the recent publication of two milestone reports on the climate—both the UN’s IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Climate and the U.S. National Climate Assessment—the collective scientific warning about the dangers of climate change have never been more stark or urgent.

New England poet Robert Frost was famous for examining how individuals may prefer the world to “end in fire” or “in ice.” If today’s scientists are to be believed, however, it appears that when it comes to the end of this world—at least as we’ve come to know it—everyone will have their preferences met.

Prison Planet.com
May 20, 2014

The Internet has emerged as the most empowering tool of individual freedom since the Gutenberg’s press, affording billions of people worldwide not only the tool of instant communication, but access to a wealth of liberating information, freedom from the chains of received consensus, and the opportunity to become their own media platform.

The Plan to Kill the Internet Uncovered 200514web1

Image: Internet Protest (Wiki Commons).

This represents an ever increasing threat to the status quo of the elite, which is why the establishment is working feverishly to dismantle the freedom granted by the world wide web in its current form.

1) The Death of Net Neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently gave the green light for large Internet Service Providers to create a two-tier Internet system which would allow large corporations to buy up dedicated faster bandwidth, ending net neutrality and potentially leaving smaller websites in the dust.

If passed this will allow the “televization” of the Internet, resulting in large companies forming monopolies and restricting consumer choice.

“[S]maller companies that can’t afford to pay for faster delivery would likely face additional obstacles against bigger rivals. And consumers could see a trickle-down effect of higher prices as Web sites try to pass along new costs of doing business with Internet service providers,”reports the Washington Post.

For almost a decade, we have warned of plans to create an ‘Internet 2′ under which the old Internet would be left to crumble and die, eviscerating the world wide web as a tool of free speech that allows independent voices to be heard amongst the cacophony of corporate and statist propaganda.

2) Intelligence Agencies are Manipulating the Internet With Deliberate Disinformation

Documents recently released by whistleblower Edward Snowden confirm that western intelligence agencies are deliberately flooding the web with disinformation in order to, “inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets.”

These techniques are intended to “control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse,” which has the effect of, “compromising the integrity of the internet itself,” according to journalist Glenn Greenwald.

3) Governments are Paying Trolls to Sway Public Opinion

In 2010, Canada’s CTV News reported on how federal authorities were paying companies to “correct misinformation” on web forums.

The Turkish, Israeli and Chinese governments along with a host of others have also implemented similar programs, while the U.S. Air Force hired data security firm HBGary to create large numbers of fake social media profiles that could be used to spread propaganda while countering anti-U.S. rhetoric online. Raw Story reported that the obvious function of the program was to “manipulate public opinion on key information, such as news reports,” thereby creating, “the illusion of consensus.”

4) Mainstream News Websites are Killing Comment Sections

Although this remains a relatively rare phenomenon, increasing numbers of mainstream news websites are killing or severely restricting comment sections in order to drown out dissident voices that challenge the prevailing status quo.

Studies confirm that article comment sections – for better or worse – are heavily swaying public opinion. Popular Science recently announced its decision to kill comment sections on their website in order to silence global warming skeptics. BoingBoing.net is following a similar track. The New York Times also recently indicated that it is scaling back comments and removing them from some articles altogether.

The effort to kill comments is part of the establishment media’s desperate effort to dictate reality and maintain a grip on manufacturing consensus in the face of a burgeoning independent media and the Internet as a vehicle of free speech in general.

5) The Obama Administration’s “Cognitive Infiltration” of the Internet

In 2010, a White House program was revealed that centered around infiltrating conspiracy groups in order to undermine them via postings on chat rooms and social networks. Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, Obama’s appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, spearheaded this “cognitive infiltration” of the web and has been heralding its success ever since.

Sunstein pointed out that simply having people in government refute conspiracy theories wouldn’t work because they are inherently untrustworthy, making it necessary to, “Enlist nongovernmental officials in the effort to rebut the theories.”

Sunstein suggested that “government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action.”

6) False Flag Cybersecurity Attacks as a Pretext to Increase Web Regulation

While constantly repeating the necessity for restrictive cybersecurity regulations to be applied to the Internet in the name of preventing cyber attacks, the United States has itself been behind all the recent major cyber attacks.

After Alex Jones pointed the finger at Washington and Tel Aviv for being behind Stuxnet during a September 27, 2010 broadcast, the likes of CNN, the Economist and others followed up by ridiculing the claim as a baseless conspiracy theory. Months later in January 2011, the New York Times reported, “US and Israeli intelligence services collaborated to develop a destructive computer worm to sabotage Iran’s efforts to make a nuclear bomb,” acknowledging the “conspiracy theory” to be true.

As the Washington Post reported, the United States and Israel were also responsible for jointly developing the Flame virus.

Stuxnet’s appearance was dovetailed by an aggressive PR campaign during which Joe Lieberman and others called for the government to be allowed to, “disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war,” just as China did. What Lieberman failed to mention is the fact that China’s Internet censorship program was and continues to be based around crushing dissent against the state and has nothing to do with cybersecurity.

7) Fairness Doctrine for the Internet

While working to end net neutrality, the Federal Communications Commission is also serving to facilitate the implementation of something akin to the Fairness Doctrine for the Internet.

According to Tim Cavanaugh, under a plan entitled “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs, “The airwaves regulator would subject news producers in all media to invasive questioning about their work and content,” a move which could lead to policing of political content on the web.

Although the study was widely derided in the media and now appears to have been derailed, the fact that the FCC is pursuing such programs illustrates the feds’ contempt for free speech on the Internet.

8) Homeland Security’s Internet Kill Switch

While fears of a government kill switch for the Internet have been mooted for years, under Standard Operating Procedure 303 or SOP 303, the Department of Homeland Security has given itself the power to oversee “the termination of private wireless network connections, both within a localized area, such as a tunnel or bridge, and within an entire metropolitan area,” in the event of a declared emergency.

When privacy rights group the Electronic Privacy Information Center attempted to obtain more information on the plan last year, the DHS claimed that it could not locate any further details regarding the program.

The White House also still claims that it retains Internet kill switch powers under the law that created the Federal Communications Commission in 1934. This law states that if a “state of public peril or disaster or other national emergency” exists, the president may “authorize the use or control of any…station or device.”

9) New Taxes and Regulations Set to Stifle Communication & Sales on the Web

A blizzard of new taxes and regulations could herald “Internet freedom’s expiration date,” according to a recent Wall Street Journal piece which points to efforts by lawmakers to weaken the Internet Tax Freedom Act in order, “to punish all American consumers with new taxes on communication.”

Lobbyists for giant retailers are leaning on Congress to empower some 9,600 state and local governments with more authority over e-commerce, including a potential e-mail tax which could dissuade millions of Americans from communicating online.

10) SOPA, CISPA & The FBI’s Internet Backdoor

Legislative assaults under the banner of SOPA and CISPA, which were advanced in the name of stopping online copyright theft, yet were soundly defeated when it emerged they were actually designed to impose oppressive censorship and surveillance on the Internet, will continue to be advanced by those who seek to centralize power over the web into fewer and fewer hands at the top of the pyramid.

In addition, the FBI’s attempt to amend the 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act in order to build backdoors into all Internet Service Providers, email clients and social media sites, is another effort to chill free speech by indoctrinating people with the notion that everything they do online is being permanently watched and recorded, making them less likely to express their freedoms due to fears of official oppression.

Only by aggressively opposing these onerous threats to the freedom of the Internet can we hope to preserve the world wide web in its current incarnation and continue to see informed and empowered people the world over embrace it as the tool of individual liberation it has truly become.

Source: NASA/GSFC/SVS via Bloomberg

Although the Amundsen Sea region is only a fraction of the whole West Antarctic Ice… Read More

A rapidly melting glacial region of Antarctica has passed “the point of no return,” threatening to increase sea levels, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

“The collapse of this sector of West Antarctica appears to be unstoppable,” Eric Rignot, a glaciologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of California, Irvine, said yesterday in a statement.

NASA estimates the glaciers in the Amundsen Sea region contain enough water to raise global sea levels by 4 feet (1.2 meters). United Nations researchers in September said sea levels have risen by 19 centimeters (7.5 inches) since the Industrial Revolution, and may rise an additional 26 centimeters to 98 centimeters by 2100.


“This sector will be a major contributor to sea level rise in the decades and centuries to come,” Rignot said in the statement. “A conservative estimate is it could take several centuries for all of the ice to flow into the sea.”

The findings are backed up by a separate study due to be published in the journal Science on May 16. Researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle determined that the Thwaites Glacier may already be collapsing. They released their independent findings early to coincide with the NASA paper.

Retreating Glaciers

Rignot is lead author of a study that has been accepted for publication in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, NASA said. The team used radar observations from the two European Earth Remote Sensing satellites, ERS-1 and ERS-2, to track the movement of the “grounding lines,” the place where the floating portion of glacier meets land.

They determined that the glaciers have become so thin that they are now floating in areas where they used to be grounded. They found the Pine Island Glacier’s grounding line retreated by 31 kilometers (19 miles) in parts between 1992 and 2011. The Thwaites Glacier retreated as much as 14 kilometers and the Smith/Kohler Glaciers lost about 35 kilometers in places.

The (Fragile) Next Frontier Market

As the grounding lines retreat inland, there’s more space below the ice for sea water, which accelerates melting. The researchers also found the masses of ice are flowing faster toward the sea, causing further thinning.

The Thwaites Glacier is already in the early stages of collapse, according to the Science paper, whose lead author is Ian Joughin, a glaciologist at the University of Washington. Losses are likely to be “moderate” this century, before accelerating, and opening up other parts of the Antarctic ice sheet to melt, the researcher said.

‘Uniquely Vulnerable’

“Previously, when we saw thinning we didn’t necessarily know whether the glacier could slow down later,” Joughin said in a statement. “In our model simulations it looks like all the feedbacks tend to point toward it actually accelerating over time; there’s no real stabilizing mechanism we can see.”

Scientists have homed in on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet because the level of melting detected there is greater than the far bigger and more stable Eastern portion of the continent.

Ohio State University glaciologist John Mercer said as long ago as 1968 that the region was a “uniquely vulnerable and unstable body of ice,” according to NASA. In 1978, Mercer wrote in a paper in Nature that man-made carbon dioxide emissions threatened to trigger a “rapid deglaciation” of West Antarctica.

“The alarming thing about the glacial evidence is that the rate of change is happening at a human timeframe as opposed to a geological timeframe,” John Skalbeck, a professor of geoscience at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, said in a telephone interview. “It’s the rate of change that has geoscientists most alarmed. We’ve not seen these types of rates from the geological past.”

Antarctica’s ice sheets hold enough water to raise sea levels by 58.3 meters (191 feet), though that’s not likely for thousands of years, according to the latest estimate from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

To contact the reporters on this story: Alex Morales in London at amorales2@bloomberg.net; Justin Doom in New York at jdoom1@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Reed Landberg at landberg@bloomberg.net Tony Barrett, Indranil Ghosh

2014 05 05

From: Blacklisted News

An idea the government has been kicking around since 2011 is finally making its debut. Calling this move ill-timed would be the most gracious way of putting it.

Sound convenient? It is. Sound scary? It is.

Next month, a pilot program of the “National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace” will begin in government agencies in two US states, to test out whether the pros of a federally verified cyber ID outweigh the cons.

The NSTIC program has been in (slow) motion for nearly three years, but now, at a time when the public’s trust in government is at an all time low, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST — itself still reeling a bit from NSA-related blowback) is testing the program in Michigan and Pennsylvania. The first tests appear to be exclusively aimed at accessing public programs, like government assistance. The government believes this ID system will help reduce fraud and overhead, by eliminating duplicated ID efforts across multiple agencies.

But the program isn’t strictly limited to government use. The ultimate goal is a replacement of many logins and passwords people maintain to access content and participate in comment threads and forums. This “solution,” while somewhat practical, also raises considerable privacy concerns.

Read the full article at: blacklistednews.com

Over the course of the last year, since the disastrous launch of health care exchanges mandated under the new Patient Affordable Care Act, we have been made privy to something most Americans didn’t believe was possible: that the government of the United States of America is being represented by thieves, liars and sycophants.


Every promise made by the President and Congressional democrats who supported Obamacare legislation has turned out to be a complete falsehood.

But what’s critical to our future well-being is that we understand that the machinations and conjecture are not restricted solely to the health care debacle. They pervade every aspect of government on the federal, state and local level alike.

We have been lied to on every front, as evidenced by revelations that the Bureau of Labor and Statistics completely fabricated unemployment numbers in an effort to sway the 2012 election results. This is supposed to be an impartial, non-partisan agency whose sole purpose is to calculate numbers, and even that has been hijacked by agenda-driven politicians and special interests.

Whether we’re talking about health care, the economy, personal privacy, or national security, we must assume, unless proven otherwise, that we are being lied to.



Charlie McGrath of Wide Awake News explains the motivations behind this narrative that the majority of Americans simply don’t understand, or worse, avoid at all costs because it would destroy the very foundations of the  fantasy land in which they live.

The lies continue, non-stop. Govern by crisis, offer a lie for a solution, and continue to indebt this country.

Why? Because it isn’t about serving We the People. It is about serving financial special interests, plain and simple.

You’d better realize that and you better prepare for what’s coming, because inevitably, when this Ponzi scheme of stealing from our future in order to pay for fraudulence now comes to an end it is going to lead to the largest financial collapse this planet has ever seen… and most people are going to be absolutely blindsided by it. 


As Charlie notes, no matter how deep one attempts to bury their head in the sand, you’d better prepare for what’s coming because the collapse of our entire way of life is, at this point, inevitable.

Or, you can go on pretending it’s not happening, that government officials care about you, that you’re going to have platinum health care coverage next year, and that tens of millions of people in America are not actually living in a modern day depression.


“Live free or die” is the motto of the state of New Hampshire. I hope the residents are  prepared to die, because living free is not what they do. NH is merely a cog within the Amerikan Stasi State, but I am referring to what goes on within NH itself, not the police state existence imposed by Washington.

On May 5 attorney William Baer was arrested at a school board meeting at which he went over a 2-minute speaking rule while trying to get some explanation from the Gilford, NH, school board for assigning sexually explicit reading material to his 14-year old daughter’s English class. The evasiveness of the school board angered Mr. Baer, and he spoke out again in support of another parents protests, and was promptly arrested by a goon thug cop.


The school board chairman, Sue Allen, who has no legislative power nevertheless managed to create a law backed by police violence. After all if Bush and Obama can create laws by edict, why not a school board chairman? Under Allen’s edict, if a parent violates the 2-minute rule that Allen imposed, she has the parent arrested. The goon thug cop wasn’t embarrassed to arrest a parent for making a legitimate complaint during the public comment period of a school board meeting.

Remember, we “freedom and democracy” ‘mericans have free speech and protest rights. Actually, don’t remember that, because you no longer have any such rights.These rights are dangerous. They enable terrorists and extremists such as those dangerous people who don’t believe The Government.

This is Amerika today. Mr Baer offered no resistance, but nevertheless was lucky that the goon thug cop did not taser him, pepper spray him, and call for a backup SWAT team to beat him senseless or even murder him.

Last month wedding guests at at the San Luis Hotel in Galveston, Texas, were set upon without reason by 34 crazed goon thug cops. The guests, including the father of the bride and the bride’s brother were brutally beaten and maced along with many guests including 13 who were arrested for asking, “what is going on?” The brother was so badly injured by the goon thugs that he had to be rushed via helicopter to a hospital.

The mayhem resulted from an off-duty goon thug witnessing a guest walk outside with an alcoholic beverage, thus violating the city’s “open container” law. Instead of advising the guest of the open container law and recommending that he step back inside, the goon thug called the cops who arrived on the scene in mass and enjoyed themselves by beating up the wedding party.
See http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38424.htm [2]
http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/05/07/kangaroo-court-convicts-occupy-protester/ [3]

This is Stasi Amerika today. And it gets worse. In Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, Eileen Battisti, a 53-year old widow, had her $280,000 home seized by Beaver County officials and sold at auction for $116,000 because of an unpaid $6.30 interest fee on the late payment of her school district taxes. A corrupt judge did not insist upon justice for the widow but instead upheld the robbery that benefitted both the county and the purchaser at auction of her home, S.P. Lewis. Lewis offered to sell the widow her home back for $250,000.


To see what cops are really like, read this: http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/justice- [5]

Whatever you do, never call the cops. However bad you might think the situation is, it  will be much worse once the goon thugs arrive: http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/candy-middleton/ [6]

And do not show any compassion for animals. Showing compassion for animals is proof that you are an animal-rights extremist which lumps you in with terrorists. In Albion, Michigan, extremists who feed a stray cat are fined and locked away for three months. Mary Musselman, an 81-year old Alzheimer sufferer was locked away for 90 days for feeding stray cats on her own property. When you see a starving animal, turn your back and walk away. Your inhumanity will be rewarded but your humanity will be severely punished. http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/albion-michigan-cat-feeding/ [7]

Just keep in mind that “we have freedom and democracy” and we are “the exceptional and indispensable people.” Our president told us so. This designation removes you from any responsibility to other humans, much less animals. Don’t lose sight of the fact that Amerikans are so exceptional and indispensable that we have murdered seven entire countries in the new 21st century, and we are just getting started. As it is perfectly acceptable for Amerika to murder countries, how can it possibly matter if a goon thug cop murders you, your pet or your wife or husband or daughter or son?

What is so discouraging is that this article could be hundreds of thousands of pages long. I could sit here writing this article for the rest of my life, adding one incident after another, and not get beyond the tip of the iceberg.

The inhumanity of which Americans are capable and indulge in every day must scare Satan himself.

Parents arrested for protesting the assignment of pornographic reading material to 14-year olds by school boards, elderly and ill people imprisoned for feeding starving animals, pets murdered by police who are supposed to protect the citizens but instead mace them, beat them, body slam them, and shoot them and their pets gratuitously for the thrill of committing violence against life are the reason the public sector is in disrepute.

The worst people in the country are in our public institutions. This is why there is so little sympathy for the public sector unions now under attack by the Republicans. Americans look at their county commissions, their city councils, their criminal justice (sic) system, their governors, state legislatures, Congress, and the White House, and all that they see is evil and corruption.

There is nothing else there.

Americans who trust the criminal justice (sic) system are completely stupid. A case of mass wrongful conviction that I wrote about years ago finally came to trial last November. Annie Dookham, a Massachusetts state chemist who falsified drug tests, thus sentencing thousands of innocent people to years in prison, destroying their lives and the lives of their families, was sentenced to 3 to 5 years in prison. Dookhan sent thousands of innocents to prison in order to aid prosecutors in attaining high conviction rates and in order to achieve her own rise as a highly productive state employee. The judge noted that Dookham had cost the state millions of dollars in settling wrongful convictions and had shaken to the core the integrity of the criminal justice (sic) system.

http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/2013/11/22/annie-dookhan-former-state-chemist-who-mishandled-drug-evidence-agrees-plead-guilty/lhg1mwd9U3J8eh4tNBS63N/story.html [8]

State officials say that Dookhan’s fake evidence could have tainted 40,000 cases. Ask
yourself, what kind of person would destroy so many people in order to advance herself? And progressives think that the public sector is the answer.

You can ask the same question about the New York State Police and the Texas police who dropped little bags of ground up wallboard in cars stopped at random, conducted illegal searches, and arrested the occupants for drugs. Hundreds of innocents were convicted until finally one brave public defender demanded presentation of the alleged drugs and had the evidence tested. It came back: wallboard. All other public defenders had accommodated the conviction scheme and arranged plea bargains for their clients. You can read about these and other atrocities in my book, coauthored with Larry Stratton: The Tyranny of Good Intentions. [9]


[1] http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/galveston-wedding-beatdown/:http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/galveston-wedding-beatdown/

[2] http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38424.htm:http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38424.htm

[3] http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/05/07/kangaroo-court-convicts-occupy-protester/:http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/05/07/kangaroo-court-convicts-occupy-protester/

[4] http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/eileen-battisti/:http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/eileen-battisti/

[5] http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/justice-:http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/justice-

[6] http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/candy-middleton/ :http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/candy-middleton/

[7] http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/albion-michigan-cat-feeding/:http://www.policestateusa.com/2014/albion-michigan-cat-feeding/

[8] http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/2013/11/22/annie-dookhan-former-state-chemist-who-mishandled-drug-evidence-agrees-plead-guilty/lhg1mwd9U3J8eh4tNBS63N/story.html:http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/2013/11/22/annie-dookhan-former-state-chemist-who-mishandled-drug-evidence-agrees-plead-guilty/lhg1mwd9U3J8eh4tNBS63N/story.html

[9] The Tyranny of Good Intentions.:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0307396061/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0307396061&linkCode=as2&tag=paulcraigrobe-20


The Soviet Union no longer exists. The Russian Federation is not a socialist state. But the U.S. military and political establishment still seek to destroy Russia. That’s the object of the crisis the Pentagon, State Department and CIA are orchestrating in Ukraine.

What drives this seemingly irrational course of action?

The same thing that drove the George W. Bush regime to invade Iraq in 2003. The same thing that’s driving the violent anti-China rhetoric from the Pentagon and the White House: financial need and cold economic ­calculation.

Not the financial need of the hungry and homeless, of the millions who need jobs at living wages, of those who can’t pay their rent or mortgages or who must choose between heating and eating.

It’s the need of Wall Street bankers and corporate CEOs to pump up their profits, stock prices and rates of return on their invested capital amid a global economic slowdown caused by capitalist ­overproduction.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration projects that the United States will replace Russia this year as the world’s top hydrocarbon energy producer. It says the U.S. will replace Saudi Arabia as the world’s No. 1 oil producer by 2015.

This is the result of the U.S. capitalist class investing hundreds of billions of dollars over the past 10 years in fracking — the hydraulic fracturing of oil and natural gas from shale rock. ExxonMobil, the world’s most profitable company, spent $41 billion in 2010 to buy fracking giant XTO Energy. ExxonMobil is now the largest U.S. natural gas producer.

Chevron, Phillips 66, Valero, Berkshire Hathaway and General Electric are other top 10 Fortune 500 companies betting billions on the superprofits they hope fracking will bring. Some of them have ascended to the top 10 based on these investments. Halliburton, the Koch brothers and hedge funds like KKR are heavily invested. So is every major bank.

But these environment-destroying investments would not be profitable without the triple-digit oil prices of the past decade. These record prices were made possible by the violent suppression of Middle East and North African energy production by the Pentagon through war and sanctions.

Iraq War a bonanza for Big Oil

The U.S. invasion of Iraq devastated that country. And it hit hard at working class and oppressed communities in the United States. For Big Oil and Wall Street it was a bonanza.

In 2002, before U.S. invaders destroyed Iraq’s state-owned oil industry, the price of West Texas Intermediate crude, a benchmark used by the oil industry, hovered around $20 a barrel. By April 2003, when U.S. tanks rolled into Baghdad, WTI crude was over $40 a barrel. ExxonMobil and Chevron, the biggest U.S. oil companies, saw their profits rise nearly 300 percent.

By mid-2008, war threats and sanctions against Iran combined with the continued wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to drive oil up to $147 a barrel. It was ExxonMobil’s most profitable year ever.

War in the Middle East made profitable the plunder of Canada’s tar sands, the proposed Keystone XL pipeline and new mountaintop removal projects in Appalachia. It enabled the building of the Anglo-U.S.-owned Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline from former Soviet Central Asia to the Mediterranean and new U.S. energy investments in Africa.

But capitalists will do what capitalists do. When profits and prices are booming, they will produce “more than the market can bear.” The third quarter of 2008 saw a global capitalist economic crisis and oil prices began to fall. Sanctions against Iran and Sudan, the 2011 U.S./NATO bombing of Libya and the CIA-orchestrated war in Syria, which blocks a potential Iranian oil pipeline to the Mediterranean, have slowed the decline but not reversed it.

Some analysts predict prices as low as $50 a barrel by 2015. Oil and natural gas prices tend to move in tandem, and oil prices of $60 to $80 a barrel are needed for most fracking projects to break even. Shale reserves with a value of $26 trillion at today’s prices could become worthless.

A crisis that disrupts the flow of Russian energy to Europe would change the picture radically. On April 14, CNBC announced “oil hovers near $108 as Ukrainian crisis worsens.”

‘Cold War’ chained Western Europe to U.S.

In the 1970s the Soviet Union was the world’s top energy producer. Much of its production was consumed domestically or provided to other socialist countries in barter arrangements. Western Europe relied on Arab and Iranian oil and gas sold by U.S. and British monopolies.

In the early 1980s, German and French banks financed a massive Soviet pipeline project, called Urengoi 6, to bring Siberian natural gas to Western Europe. The Reagan regime launched an overt and covert campaign to sabotage the project. (“A Tale of Two Pipelines,” Workers World, June 10, 2005) Washington wanted to hurt the Soviet economy, of course. It also wanted to keep Western Europe dependent on U.S. energy monopolies. The project was completed, however, and Soviet natural gas poured into Europe.

In 1998, Russia, now capitalist, responded to a speculative attack on its currency by devaluing the ruble. Oil fell below $11 a barrel, throwing the Western oil industry into a panic.

The U.S. responded with missiles and bombs. The target was not Russia but Iraq. Within three months the Clinton regime came up with an excuse for a massive bombing campaign against Iraq, which was already suffering from U.S.-orchestrated sanctions. Two years earlier, U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright had admitted that sanctions had killed 567,000 Iraqi children. She said the “price was worth it.”

As bombs rained on Iraq, Energy Secretary William Richardson was begging U.S. oil executives to build oil and gas pipelines to former Soviet Central Asia to cement U.S. influence there. They told him it would not be worth it unless he could guarantee oil prices above $40 a barrel for a sustained period. It took the 2003 invasion of Iraq to do that.

War to restrict production

Energy is the world’s most profitable commodity. But other interests are at stake. The Pentagon needs to protect and expand its bloated budget, which faces “mandatory” cuts in 2016. The generals want to expand NATO to the east and put U.S. troops in the former Soviet Union. The military-industrial complex wants more arms sales to Eastern Europe, with Ukraine as a customer.

Then there is the heart of the system — Wall Street itself. Bankers and politicians know that war and crisis abroad drive capital into the United States, cutting the deficit, propping up the dollar and helping keep U.S. banks at the center of the world economy. Wall Street analysts hope and predict that capital flight from Russia alone could reach $150 billion this year, more than twice what it was in 2013.

The monopoly-dominated world capitalist market is saturated with commodities and capital. It is in a permanent battle because of a crisis that is unique to the capitalist system: overproduction. Bankers sit on trillions of dollars they cannot reinvest at an “acceptable” rate of profit.

The world imperialist system cannot absorb the productive capacity of the vast industrial-technological-scientific apparatus that exists in the former Soviet Union — just as it cannot absorb the labor power, the minds and capabilities of hundreds of millions of people around the world.

The imperialist market has no room for the Eurasian Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Shanghai Economic Cooperation Organization or the rising bloc of BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), which Iran seeks to join. It has no room for the African Union or the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America.

The dominant mode of production in the above-mentioned blocs Is capitalist. But an important factor in their economic growth is the state-powered economy of the People’s Republic of China, a product of the great socialist revolution of 1949. Moreover, the state-owned sector of Russia’s economy has risen to 60 percent under the Putin administration.

The “Cold War” did not end with the fall of the Soviet Union, because it was driven not only by hostility to socialism but by the internal contradictions of capitalism itself.

In the “Cleveland massacre” of 1872, John D. Rockefeller drove hundreds of independent drillers out of business to create the Standard Oil trust. Apologists for capitalism have justified such practices as “creative destruction.” In its time of decay, the U.S. monopoly capitalist class and its state apparatus must destroy in order to survive.

Saturday, 26 April 2014 09:54

2014 0426bernd

The intricate surveillance equipment used by the federal government to track and store the cellphone data of millions of people and to monitor terrorism suspects is making its way to Main Street.

Police departments across the nation have been trying to conceal their use of cellphone tracking equipment from local courts because of nondisclosure agreements that allow the departments to use the devices on loan – as long as they promise the manufacturer they will keep it a secret.

The devices, manufactured by the Florida-based Harris Corporation, are commonly used at the federal level, but are also proliferating across local and state police departments. The technology has been purchased under various names, including StingRay, HailStorm, Harpoon, AmberJack, KingFish and RayFish, and mimics a cellphone tower.

When cellphones connect to the device, it can record the phone’s unique information and traffic data, as well as its location. The devices can triangulate the position of a particular cellphone in relation to its antenna and other towers in the area with greater accuracy than would be possible from a network provider’s permanent tower location.

The devices are used to gather information about both specific individuals and large groups (including people involved in political dissent). They also sweep up the cellphone records of thousands of users who happen to be in the devices’ radius and who are not suspected of any wrongdoing. For those who are suspected of wrongdoing, the potential indiscriminate use of the devices is likely harming their due process rights, according to Nathan Freed Wessler, a staff attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

However, the exact targets of the devices are rarely revealed, thanks to the terms of the agreement between the cops and the companies. Police departments in Florida and Arizona have signed nondisclosure agreements with Harris Corporation to purchase the equipment on loan from the company and say that these agreements bar them from revealing information about the devices’ use – even to judges. In one case in Tallahassee, officers opted not to seek a warrant for a suspect they had tracked to his girlfriend’s apartment to specifically avoid having to tell a judge they used a StingRay device to find him there.

The language of the nondisclosure agreement signed by a police department in Tucson, Arizona, is more broad than necessary to protect legitimate trade secrets, according to civil liberties experts. According to the contract, which was obtained by an Arizona journalist, the city is not to “discuss, publish, release or disclose any information pertaining to the Products covered under this NDA to any third party individual, corporation, or other entity, including any affiliated State, County, City, Town or Village, or other governmental agency or entity without the prior written consent of Harris.”

“It’s like [the Harris Corporation is] not even trying to pretend that they are protecting trade secrets,” said Wessler with the ACLU, who was involved in the Tallahassee case. He said nondisclosure agreements can protect legitimate secrets, including technical details or other information that could give corporate competitors an economic advantage, but that the language of the Tucson agreement is much broader than necessary. He told Truthout that state and local police departments sometimes obtain similar technology from the FBI, and in those cases, departments have signed similar agreements with the FBI.

“[The Harris Corporation] seems to be trying to prevent [police departments] from talking about how these devices are used in investigations, about things like whether they are getting warrants for them or not, or what they think the legal policy limitations on their use should be, all these kinds of questions that are absolutely fundamental issues of digital law, public policy and good governance,” Wessler said.

The contract does contain one exception for “judicially mandated disclosures,” but leaves no method for courts to ascertain that the device was used. The ACLU suspects that through the use of such broad language, the contracts amount to product testing by the Harris Corporation. The nondisclosure agreements essentially allow Harris to examine how effective their devices are and possibly make modifications while shielding the corporation from accountability.

The Tucson Police Department said the contract was one reason why the department held information from an Arizona journalist who filed an open records request for information about the use of the devices. The agreement requires the police department to notify the company any time a records request for information about the devices’ use is filed and also requires the law enforcement agency to help the company decide what records to release.

The Arizona ACLU is seeking an injunction for the records on behalf of the journalist and is arguing that the City of Tucson allowed the Harris Corporation to dictate the city’s compliance with Arizona public records law, violating its legal requirement to respond.

Law enforcement agencies aren’t just using the devices to target specific individuals in specific incidents. Police departments have also used the equipment to intentionally gather information about groups of dissenters, including monitoring the protest activity of the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, and the occupation of Zuccotti Park in New York City.

“Those kinds of cases where police are trying to figure out who was at a protest because they want to arrest people or they want to track them or surveil them further, this is a really convenient way to do that. It could end up really chilling people’s ability to engage in political speech and protest,” Wessler told Truthout.

The cellphone tracking equipment was originally developed for military and intelligence agency use, but is increasingly being marketed in large numbers to municipal and state police departments for average criminal investigations. It’s another plot point in a growing trend of police militarization across the country.

“We should be worried when police are using this kind of very powerful invasive surveillance gear to gather information about people in the US without ever going to a judge,” Wessler said.